.22 Precision Bench Rest Match
22 Precision Bench Rest Match shoots at Otto Road Shooting Range are held on the 1st Sunday of each month (Weather permitting).
Setup and registration begin at 10 AM, safety briefing at 10:45 AM and shooting starts at 11 AM. Match Fee is $10.
Junior shooters age 17 and under accompanied by an adult shoot FREE.
Eye and ear protection is required. Chamber flags for the rifles are required and there will be some extra on hand for shooters who don’t have a chamber flag. “Cold” range rules apply which means all rifles are to remain unloaded until the shooter is called to the firing line and the Range Safety Officer commands “Load and Make Ready”.
.22 Precision Rifle shoots are offered as a supplement to the monthly .22 National Rifle League (NRL) sanctioned matches. All shooting is done from a bench with support from a bipod or a sandbag. Shooters of all ages and skill levels are invited—and junior shooters/novices are especially encouraged to come join the fun!
A typical shoot will require no more than 60 shots on 4 to 6 stages. Targets will consist mostly of reactive steel targets of various sizes along with paper targets and fun targets such as golf balls, matchsticks, lollipops etc.
There will be two divisions: “Basic” for .22 LR rifles that cost less than $400 MSRP and “Unlimited” for rifles that cost over $400 MSRP. “Basic” rifle shooters compete among other “Basic” rifle shooters and the same with “Unlimited” rifle shooters.
A “Basic” .22 LR rifle is a rifle in factory issued configuration that has no external modifications and the MSRP is less than $400. It can be equipped with any type of scope or optical device the shooter desires (no limit on cost for optics).
There is only one rule that applies for “Unlimited” rifles and that is -- there are no rules.
If foul weather is forecast a cancellation notice will be posted on the Otto Rd Range website and Facebook Page.
Point of contact is Hank Van Goethen Ph: 307-640-3847 or info@ottoroadshootingrange.com
1. Is all shooting required off the bench? Answer: No -- competitors who desire to shoot from positions other than the bench may do so.
2. For “Basic” rifles is there any limitation on what type of scope can be used? Answer: No limit.
3. Is a sandbag or other means of artificial support permitted for use on the butt portion of the rifle? Answer: No. All rifles are permitted to use a bipod or a sandbag on the front portion of the rifle.
4. How far will the targets be positioned? Answer: Targets may be placed as close as 50 feet and as far as 125 yards.
5. Is a rifle chambered for .22 Magnum or .17 caliber permitted? Answer: No –all rifles must be chambered for the .22 LR cartridge.
6. Will there be time limits? Answer: Yes -- but the time limits will be reasonable and achievable.
7. Will alibis be permitted if a rifle malfunctions? Answer: No- the shooter is required to clear any and all malfunctions within the time limits allocated for the shooting stage.
8. Is a “Basic” .22 Rifle with a tube magazine permitted? Answer: Yes -- but since loading the rifle is a slow process, we encourage the use of a rifle equipped with a detachable box type magazine.